8 December, 16:15 - 16:50 HKT

Facilitating Teachers in the Process of Pedagogical Paradigm Shift: The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Chinese Language Writing — Jockey Club VR Project for Chinese Language Education: Insights from Phase I and Prospects for Phase II

Future Learning Theatre


Speakers shall share the findings of a study in Project Phase I on the effectiveness of teaching and learning in three schools of different allocation bands. Teachers adopted different teaching methods in the virtual reality classes to meet the different learning needs of students, so as to attain better learning results.

In Phase II, one focus is to develop VR teaching packages in Chinese Literature for senior secondary Chinese Language curriculum. Filming will be conducted in 4 regions/countries: the Greater Bay area, Shaoxing, Suzhou and Hangzhou, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. A mode of popular school participation will be adopted whereby teachers may self-learn how to implement VR Chinese teaching and learning in their classes by merely reviewing videos on pedagogy and technical skills.
