9 December, 15:30 - 16:05 HKT

What Change can Scientific Measurement Tools Make: Strategies and Analysis for Intellectual Disability (ID) Students with Emotional and Behavioural Issues

SEN Theatre


According to Dr Virginia Satir’s Iceberg Theory (1991): ‘Human behaviour is only the surface of an iceberg’. Because of the complexity and diversity of students 'Behaviours of concern’, Since 2018, this school has introduced scientific measurement tools, such as smart wristbands and eye trackers, to analyse students' ‘behaviours of concern’ and implemented suggested intervention strategies in conjunction with multidisciplinary meetings, assessments, home-school cooperation, and whole school approach. Over the years of experience, the team has found that this approach helps to establish an objective set of analytical procedures and provide preventive, real-time and follow-up recommendations to address students' ‘behaviours of concern’.
