7 December, 13:15 - 13:50 HKT

Failure Education is Innovation Education

Well-being Theatre


According to the PISA data in 2019, Hong Kong students’ performance was weaker than their counterparts in other countries in the aspects of ‘growth mindset’ and ‘resilience‘. This suggested that Hong Kong students might lose their competitiveness in the rapidly changing 21st century. Therefore, it is urgent to promote Failure Education. The purpose of Failure Education is to encourage students to innovate, to try, and to take risk. When failure is regarded as a process of growth, students are able to acquire skills including critical thinking, problem-solving ability, creativity, resilience and perseverance. When students embrace challenges with a mindset of growth, they may also find their personal values and strengths that lead to a life of happiness. The 4D model of Failure Education consists of ‘Discover’, ‘Develop’, ‘Display’ and ‘Distinction’.
