7 December, 13:15 - 13:50 HKT

The Glowing and Growing from AI and Blended Learning

Future Learning Theatre


Academic and ECA activities have been disrupted by the pandemic. In such a difficult time, the more sustainable models of hybrid / blended teaching and learning are developed. Schools are finding more positive and malleable ways to help students along the way to a successful future. The trends of hybrid learning, tailored credentialing, and career advancement are particularly attractive.

In the meantime, emerging technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) programmes also help to address the health issues, learning barriers, and new algorithms in different sectors, especially in the pandemic. In these domains, the integration of blended learning and different learning activities can assist students to move forward from the ‘Fear Zone’ to the ‘Learning Zone’, and ultimately to the ‘Growth Zone’.

In this seminar, the speaker will share his experience in designing school roadmaps on the AI curricula deployment and IT learning activities, stressing the importance of personalization and credentials, and will discuss the possible AI-related digital infrastructure which can help students to access ‘Growth Zone’ with their dreams and aspirations.
