8 December, 14:00 - 14:35 HKT

Utilising Stakeholder Synergy: Total School Experience of Enriching Career and Life Development (CLD) Education

K12 Theatre


Career and Life Development (CLD) Education is significant in facilitating students to reflect upon career-related information cum experiences, and develop a personal roadmap to respond to the fast-changing world of work and socio-cultural environment in pandemic and post-pandemic period. CLAP@JC has established a systematic self-improvement framework called Hong Kong Benchmarks (HKBM) for schools to add value to existing CLD provisions through a strategic lens. ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School has implemented CLD education since 2011, and adopted HKBM from 2020, with an expectation to utilise synergy and professional capacity from different stakeholders including teachers across committees and subjects in order to provide students with more comprehensive and multi-dimensional CLD experiences.

In this seminar, the speaker will share how HKBM framework and self-evaluation results enable school to have clear developmental directions, facilitative to make use of professional capacity across different committee/subject members with strong senior leadership team support. The speaker will further elaborate how the project provides Professional Development Programme through The Education University of Hong Kong to equip Senior Leadership Team and teachers to co-create quality student-focused CLD efforts. Principal and Career Mistress also participated in project’s Take a CLAP Day career taster programme so as to gain first-hand work experience and latest market information in other industries. The speaker will express how the school and teachers are benefited from the critical friendship through CLAP@JC (such as Assessment and Action Plan Advisor, Enterprise Advisor, Hub Facilitator) to enrich existing school-based CLD initiative Unique Goals Project to guide students to have better self-understanding (including their Value, Attitude, Skill and Knowledge), explore and reflect upon pathway options, and develop personal career roadmap to move towards their unique goals.
