9 December, 13:15 - 13:50 HKT

Using Minecraft to Understand the Rights and Obligations of Hong Kong Citizens

21st Century Classroom


The design of this open lesson class mainly uses the virtual environment and game functions of the Minecraft game platform to build a virtual community that can reflect the <Basic Law> to protect the rights and obligations of Hong Kong citizens. Then, the junior high school students who participated in the class will play together in the virtual community built together in the class, explore and experience the situation of driving rights and fulfilling obligations, and reflect on the attitude that a good citizen should have.

This open lesson will share:
1. Basic Law education by Gamification of Learning;
2. How to use the virtual environment for learning and teaching strategies; and
3. Practical methods of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Participants may use the virtual community in Minecraft's virtual environment to collaboratively explore and discover the context and evidence related to the rights and obligations of Hong Kong residents, and then use the eLearning platform to record and explain the relevant provisions of the Basic Law.
