8 December, 16:15 - 16:50 HKT

Nurturing Children's Curiosity and Exploratory Spirit through Educational Multimedia Resources

Early Childhood Education Theatre


According to the literature on Developmental and Educational Psychology, children are full of curiosity and they enjoy exploring with their senses to learn new things. One of the aims of the Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide is to foster in children an interest in learning, an inquisitive mind and eagerness to explore. With these ideas in mind, the Curriculum Resources Section of the Education Bureau has developed a variety of Educational Multimedia (EMM) resources such as manipulatives, picture books, storytelling props, songs, animations, short videos, etc. for a wide range of real-life themes for kindergartens. Kindergarten teachers can make use of these EMM resources to design a balanced curriculum and exploratory learning activities. In order to effectively integrate these resources into school-based curriculum, the Curriculum Resources Section collaborated with several kindergartens to explore ways of using EMM resources in their theme-based learning activities. The outcomes were encouraging. Using the EMM resources in well-designed interactive and exploratory activities, children’s learning motivation and interest were enhanced. They had gained a better understanding of the themes/concepts, more opportunities to listen and share and developed respect and care for others through the activities. Representatives of our section will share these activities and the related EMM resources with the participants.
